Cope with Burnout

Are you experiencing work burnout? 

  • Feeling no joy or interest in your work?

  • Have less patience with others than you used to?

  • Feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities?

A recent study documented increases in meeting and email frequency since we all started working at home. In addition, the study demonstrated that virtual communication has extended beyond normal working hours.

How do you cope with burnout?

  • Reconnect with the “why” of your work. Connecting with your purpose and passion can give you energy and help to shift your mindset.

  • Take a vacation from your work email, even if it’s just one day. Move your email app away from the home screen of your phone. Set an email away message and spend a day sparking joy with family and friends.

  • Say “no” to the task but “yes” to the person. Saying no is hard, but we can ask questions about the request to get a better sense of what the other person needs. Even if you can’t help with the task you can offer support.

"I'm sorry, I can't take on doing this on a regular basis because Alexis wants me to prioritize development work. Do you know someone who is working on developing her Excel skills? Would you like me to show her how to extract the data so she can take this on?"

  • Create a daily gratitude practice. The KonMari method encourages us to thank items when we put them away. You can go a step further by keeping a gratitude journal. Write down at least 5 things you are thankful for each day for three weeks. (Request a gratitude checklist to get you started.)

  • Exercise! Take a walk every day or start a yoga practice. Sign up for online Spark Joy Yoga classes or schedule a virtual private yoga class with me.

P.S. Link to the study in case you’d like to read it. 

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